Tuesday, April 15, 2008

To Thine Own Self Be True

It's odd, I know, but I'm writing twice in one day! I was reminded about something that is just too important for me to remember. I often bring my United Methodist faith into conversations. I'll bring donuts or other food to a gathering, and I'll say I do it because I'm a good Methodist. I do this for other nice things I do too. What I realized I have been doing is trying to find another way to say, "I do this because I'm a Christian."

Am I hiding my faith by not stating it out loud? I don't think so. What I am trying to do is disarm people by not making it about theology or religion but about faith. I'm more likely to be asked about my Methodist faith than being a Christian by random people. Oddly enough, it has happened here in Boston. I have a School of Theology (STH) sweatshirt, and people will ask me about it too. I am not ashamed of the Gospel, but I want to make it accessable and approachable to people. I believe that they will know I am a Christian by my love - even when I profess it through my United Methodist calling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think "Christian" has a negative connotation sometimes.

Frequently, the people who point out that they are Christians, or ask if you are a Christian are the very zealous ones.

Not that there's anything wrong with religious zeal. I still talk to you, after all. ;)

But I think you know what I mean. If a stranger hears "Christian," they think, "here we go again," and wait for the sermon

But if they hear "Methodist," they feel more comfortable asking questions.

Anyway, you're still one of the few people I know who manages to live their faith.