Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bach in the high life again

So, the major term paper is in. *big sigh of relief* It was 30 pages long. Only two more to go, and those are each about 10-15 pages each. After 30, this is a cakewalk. :)

Sometimes, seminary is a lonely place. As individuals we work so hard to prepare ourselves to help an unknown world of the future. We bury our noses in books and shackle our hands to computers to spit out words we hope will inspire another person to believe we are right.

Where is community in this? Sure, to know God is to love Him, and we are seeking a greater and deeper love every day. However, Sitting at a desk by myself for 8 hours a day does not provide me with love and a sense of community. I am thankful for the friends who come and sit at the table with me in a shared effort to do foundational work in understanding faith and origins. Sure, there are times where we do more laughing than work, but I have to remember that laughter is a gift too. It's not a distraction... unless it's 10pm and the paper's due by midnight. :)

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