Thursday, April 17, 2008

Brother, can you spare a dime?

Almost every week I hear about a new way to help another group of people. I have to admit, I started getting the "giving fatigue." There just seem to be too many places for my time, money and effort to go. How can I ever keep up? I feel like I'm being nickel and dimed to death.

Then I thought, "How dare I accuse God of nickel and dimeing me to death?!?" I talk about how blessed I feel. If I really felt I was blessed, shouldn't I share that wealth? I don't want to be Lazarus where I have everything in this life and nothing in the next.

I think I'm a poor grad student, but really I'm not. I'm able to go to school! I eat every day. I can get on the T and go almost anywhere. I have a place to live that has heat and clean clothes... when I do laundry. I am not poor. I'm not as rich as I want to be, but I'm as rich as I need to be. So, yes, brother, I can spare a dime... even a quarter.

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