Monday, April 21, 2008

When the chips are down

Networking is an important aspect in our lives. Naturally, we know the career advances that can be made through networking, but our relationships can be enhanced just as well. I have had a few rough days with trying to keep my life in order. I have discovered that the strong wealth of friendships I have has been a real blessing. Each friend has a unique gift, or gifts, that will compliment any lack I may have at one point. How empty my life would be if I walked around feeling that incomplete. Feminism says I shouldn't have a man in my life to complete me, and I agree and may even comment on another day, but relationships in their many forms do create a completeness. That's why God did not design us to live alone but in community with each other. To all the friends out there - thank you for making me a more whole and healthy person. I love you all.

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