Monday, February 25, 2008

The internet matchmaker

It seems so wrong to use the Internet as your matchmaker. It's impersonal. It can't take into account your feelings. It seems so calculated. But one of my guilty pleasures is watching "The Millionaire Matchmaker" on Bravo. While there still is a sense of magic to finding a person who is right for you, she does break some of the stuff down into basic categories that make sense. Well, that kind of stuff is something a computer could easily do, so I'll give it a try.

I posted my profile online, and I was totally honest in all my answers. That's a humbling thing to do. I even put up some of my favorite pictures of me. They're not great (I don't think I'm photogenic), but they are candid and give insight into who I am. I enjoy being able to screen for some of the things that are deal breakers or 'must haves' for me. This definitely seems better than some of the free sites, where I hope I get to find out about this stuff at some point before a face to face meeting.

Well readers, here we go. New city, new life, new beginning, new profile online. Let's see what comes!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I suppose that I should be relieved that "The Millionaire Matchmaker" inspired you.

Had it been SGA, I'd be worried about you trying to mount a hula hoop onto a sprinkler, and trying to jump through it with Annie in a wig.

Just sayin.