Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baby you can ride my car.

Anyone who's been in Boston long enough knows about the T. T-surfing is an art. It's the ability to stand on a moving train without holding on to a railing. It also depends on the driver. Some seem to have the sole purpose of trying to propel you in to the person in front of you or through a window.

Also, people know you will see the craziest things. If you are able to make it home without seeing something... well... you had a rare ride. Sometimes you see a near fight break out. Sometimes there's the drunk guy, and you pray he doesn't decide to throw up on you. Sometimes you get someone who's actually willing to talk with you. This person, most likely, did not grow up in Boston. He or she probably spent a part of the growing up period in the Mid-West but may be from the South. I will also never understand why undergrads will stand in 4 inch heels and short skirts in the rain and complain about it. *sigh*

And they're all there for your viewing pleasure on the T. Welcome to Boston. :)

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