Wednesday, March 26, 2008


One week to go until 2, possibly 3, papers are due! I thought I was supposed to be happy during Easter. Time to stock up on sugar and caffeine.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Is the world larger or smaller?

People tell me the world is getting smaller because we are more able to get information from any corner of the globe in a short amount of time. Generally, I agree with it in principle. There's a but coming... we have to actually acknowledge how large this world is before we can shrink it on to a computer screen. I have to first know there are people in this community I call the World who look different from me, speak a different language, practice a different religion, eat different foods, and a host of other things that are foreign from my daily life or culture. If I don't acknowledge it first, I have done these people a disservice. I have compared them to me as the apex of how to live instead of letting them be themselves in their way of living. While my philosophy/theology professor would tell me I need to use "or" instead of "and," I have to say the world is expanding and shrinking at the same time for me, and to do it any other way would just be wrong for me.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Baby you can ride my car.

Anyone who's been in Boston long enough knows about the T. T-surfing is an art. It's the ability to stand on a moving train without holding on to a railing. It also depends on the driver. Some seem to have the sole purpose of trying to propel you in to the person in front of you or through a window.

Also, people know you will see the craziest things. If you are able to make it home without seeing something... well... you had a rare ride. Sometimes you see a near fight break out. Sometimes there's the drunk guy, and you pray he doesn't decide to throw up on you. Sometimes you get someone who's actually willing to talk with you. This person, most likely, did not grow up in Boston. He or she probably spent a part of the growing up period in the Mid-West but may be from the South. I will also never understand why undergrads will stand in 4 inch heels and short skirts in the rain and complain about it. *sigh*

And they're all there for your viewing pleasure on the T. Welcome to Boston. :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Grand Day Out

Erik is out of the picture. He's a young 20-something who needs to get some things out of his system before he gets to be a real adult. I'm not going to help him on those endeavors.

I had a wonderful time with Ben. The food was great. The wine was fantastic. The conversation never stopped. He was even interested in what I had to say about the Hebrew Bible. He touched my hand and gave me a hug at the end of the evening. I just wish I felt the same way. It feels so shallow to say it, but there's just nothing there. He would make a fantastic friend, but I don't see a romantic relationship developing there.

I don't want to be that woman who goes out dating to see what she can get out of people - and maybe by making sure that's not my goal I have already accomplished it. I'm not out to get a nice meal and get men to spend money on me. *sigh* Time to keep on truckin'.