Friday, January 30, 2009

A letter to myself

Oddly enough, we were encouraged to write letters of spiritual guidance to ourselves. I will be brave enough to post mine here...

Dear Self,

I thank God for the time I have had in getting to know you. You have been open with me, and now I pray that you will lovingly receive these words from me.

Your concerns seem focused on future events, but do you know how often those things will happen? There is some validity to keeping your "eyes on the prize," but what is the prize you hope to achieve? You appear to go from one goal to then next - never really resting in satisfaction for more than a moment. Continue on with plans for graduation, papers, projects, ministry work, but don't forget that Jesus is seeking closer union with you. Seeking a closer union with him should be your goal too.

You care for others, but how do you care for yourself? I noticed that you are eating better and exercising more. I applaud you for this, and I'm sure it's making a difference. However, don't neglect your soul. The classroom should not be the only place to think about it. The soul is not an academic case study - it's a living part of the Living Word, and it can only be know by spending time with it. I cannot plead more soundly that you find a way to connect with it every day. Remember when you were a child and could not keep from smiling? That kind of joy is still within you.

As for love - it is a great concern for many people. Hold steadfast where you are. By this, I do not mean be stubborn and keep people out. I mean for you to stay true to who you are and not change to find love from another. If you are unhappy with yourself, read the paragraph above once again. You have come to understand love as a companionship instead of a completion of a project, and this understanding serves you well. What I delight in hearing is that this definition of love allows you to expand it to more than one person at one time. Do not worry too much about having "one love" in your life - your life is made up of so much more than one other person. And do you really believe that you can possess the love of one person? Does that not take away its beauty as a gift?

Until we speak next - be kind unto yourself. Your loving God is with you always and whispering words of comfort. Be silent and still - whisper words in prayer and listen to hear the response.

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