Friday, October 24, 2008

Tell me lies; tell me sweet little lies

When is it ok to lie? Some say never while others don't see the need to tell the truth. I would be willing to believe that most think it's somewhere in between. We don't want to ruin a surprise birthday party, and sometimes speaking the truth hurts others when the fault lies within us. However, what is a good lie and what is just a lie?

Consider wall street. I know not many people want to think about them in the current financial climate, but it's relevant to the topic at hand. Did they lie? They didn't say anything false - they just didn't disclose the truth. Now, millions of people are hurting from their decisions.

Let's bring that to a smaller sphere. If I know about a dysfunctional relationship, and one person asks me about it, what do I do? Now the water is muddied. Is it my place to say anything? Can I, in good conscience, not say what I know?

There are real people helped or hurt by the decisions we make. Sometimes the guilt gets to us. Is it a direct correlation of the pride we allow to get to us? There are so many questions and so few answers. I think this is why we need God's intervention. We cannot do it alone. We need an advocate in our corner. We also need someone to say "You tried to do your best. You are loved, and I forgive you." From my experience, people don't hear that often enough from each other.

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