Monday, May 19, 2008

The Long Goodbye

So, it's my last day in Boston for the academic year, and I just can't sleep. There's too much on my mind. It was about nine months ago that I was sitting on a couch, crying, and thinking I'll never be able to do this. It's too far away and it's just too big. Now, I'm lying on a couch in my friends' apartment thinking how can I go home when I feel like I'm there?

Boston has become a home to me. It's odd to think, but I discovered it was home when I didn't need the to figure out how to get where I wanted to go. People would ask me for directions, and I'd actually be able to give them! I also have amazing friends here. I feel so blessed to know I will come back to greet them for two more years. They will be scattered across the country and literally across the globe, but we will always have BU in common.

I have lived and loved here. My heart has been broken, and it has been mended too. Times have been tough, but doors have been opened to me as well. It's great to feel like something really wonderful is just beyond the horizon, and then it actually comes in to focus as I continue walking towards it. There is nothing easy about your first year of seminary, but if you can survive it, it's totally worth every tear and late night. God's blessings on those who enter their first year in the fall. I've been there before, and I'll be with you then.

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