Saturday, November 27, 2010

The church year begins again tomorrow. Yes, Advent has come around again, and it is time to start preparing space in our churches, homes and hearts for the Christ child again.

I thought about this last week, and I was surprised to find myself a little sad. Somehow I had thought I wouldn't have to worry about confronting Jesus again until Lent at the earliest. I thought I had a few more months to figure out some of my faith issues. Now I realize I need to start making room for someone I don't really feel like I know in my heart. Okay, maybe I don't "need" to do this, but I will admit to feeling a tug at my heart to do this, so it most certainly feels like a tug.

I started with what I know best - music. I downloaded the new Susan Boyle album, and I'll admit listening to her sing some of these songs is a little like listening to the angels sing. I also downloaded the Glee Christmas album. This time I rocked out to the music and felt the joy of the season wash over me. (I'm listening to it as I write this blog.) While the music stirs me, it only lasts a little while before I am confronted with my commute on the T or some other hazard with working for the general public during the holiday season.

So, I'm left with a bit of a panic. It's less than 4 hours to Advent, and I feel unprepared. Yes, I know Jesus doesn't really "arrive" until Christmas, but have you even needed to prepare a major meal for family? If you wait until the last minute you will not have everything ready to entertain much less enjoy the time with your family/friends. If I keep waiting for Christmas, I will be missing more than the mashed potatoes from my dinner table.

Mark and I decided to take a note from Lent and add something into our routine this Advent, and we started it a little early. We have started doing devotionals every night. We both have the same book, so even when we can't be together, we can still receive the same message. We're still doing the same work - just in different spaces. In this practice, we have not only grown closer together, we have begun to make room in our hearts. I have strangely started to look forward to those moments at night when it's time to bring out the Bible and open the devotional. I look forward to it even more with Mark because there is just something so much more alive when it is said out loud instead of just in my head.

While I still have doubts and struggles inside of me, I slowly feel the light of Advent warming me. It's the start of something new, and isn't that what Advent is about, new beginnings?

I wish you and yours a little warmth this Advent this season. I hope you take time to smile at kids playing in the snow (when it does come) and the way twinkling lights break apart the long darkness.

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